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Questions about this form? Please Contact:


Melissa Wanamaker

Headwaters RC&D

Brownfields Manager

(406) 533-6781

Application for Headwaters Brownfields Funding Assistance for Clean Up Community Grant and Revolving Loan Fund

Is your project in the Headwaters region?
Applicant's Legal Structure
Is the property owned by the applicant?
If no, list owner's legal structure
How was the property aquired by the owner (if known):
Has a responsible party been identified?
Is the owner of the property potentially liable for the contamination?
Is the property subject to litigation?
Is the property the subject of a DEQ/EPA administrative order, a court order, or violation?
Has redevelopment or reuse been complicated by the contamination?
Has an environmental assessment been conducted?
If not, we may be able to connect you to no-cost assessment assistance through our partners at EPA or DEQ. If yes, specify level:
Contamination verified (check all that apply):
Upload File

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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