Butte Business Improvement District (BID) Request for Proposals

The Butte Local Development Corporation, in partnership with the Uptown Master Plan Association, are seeking proposals for the creation of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Uptown Butte, Montana. The BID is expected to enhance the overall economic, social, and physical conditions in the district. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified firms, organizations or individuals that can provide comprehensive services to establish a BID.
Uptown Butte is a historic district with a vibrant area that includes a mix of commercial, residential, and cultural amenities. However, as the area has grown, so too have its challenges. The district needs a coordinated effort to improve the physical and social environment, ensure that businesses are supported and thriving, and continue to attract visitors to the area. The community has received a Big Sky Trust Fund grant for $25,000, the URA has pledged $20,000 and the Uptown Butte Master Plan Association is contributing $5,000 for a total project budget of $50,000.00. The final contract will be between the RFP awardee, Big Sky Trust Fund and Headwaters Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.
Proposals should be submitted by Friday, June 30th at 5:00 pm local time (MST) to:
Samantha Motzko at Butte Local Development Corporation, Fifth Floor, Thornton Building, 65 E Broadway St, Butte, MT 59701.
Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Samantha Motzko at smotzko@headwatersrcd.org.
In order for a response to be considered, does it need to be mailed to the physical address provided in the RFP, or will digital submission via email be accepted?
Digital proposals sent via email to smotzko@headwatersrcd.org are acceptable
What is the desired initial BID term prior to the first renewal phase? i.e., 3 years
5-10 years is optimal
Will the project team have direct access to systems and departments within Silver Bow to attain property information (owners, contact information, etc..)?
Has a steering committee already been appointed for the BID?
Not yet
Additional RFP Questions: Would you be able to share questions asked by other participants in the RFP process?
Yes - we will post questions and any updates on the BID page on the BLDC and Headwaters websites